
The project draws up a plan of work organized within six work packages.

Indicative start and end month: M1 – M36

Lead participant name: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences


  • Ensure effective project coordination and administration, including legal, risk, and financial management.

  • Monitor project progress against established timelines, deliverables, and milestones.

  • Foster seamless communication among consortium partners and with the European Commission.

  • Implement a robust quality assurance and risk management framework.


  • General administrative management

  • Progress monitoring

  • Quality and risk management

  • Scientific-Technical management

Indicative start and end month: M1 – M36

Lead participant name: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences


  • Ensure effective project coordination and administration, including legal, risk, and financial management.

  • Monitor project progress against established timelines, deliverables, and milestones.

  • Foster seamless communication among consortium partners and with the European Commission.

  • Implement a robust quality assurance and risk management framework.


  • General administrative management

  • Progress monitoring

  • Quality and risk management

  • Scientific-Technical management

Indicative start and end month: M1 – M6

Lead participant name: Lund University


  • Develop a strategic framework to identify focus areas and priorities for new lab infrastructure at FTTS.

  • Define the purpose, scope, space, equipment, and resource needs for establishing new laboratories at FTTS.

  • Conduct an analysis of competing regional institutions to determine the unique expertise FTTS can provide.

  • Identify new road safety research opportunities and trends to guide investments in lab infrastructure


  • Internal review of CERTS and development of a roadmap for improvements

  • Define basic framework for new laboratories

  • Develop a plan for Laboratory for Data Analysis and Modelling in Road Safety

  • Review project management practices at Hasselt University and Lund University

  • Development of open science collaboration framework

Indicative start and end month: M1 – M36

Lead participant name: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences


  • Understand the influence of driver characteristics on driving patterns and behaviour on rural roads.

  • Identify high-risk road sections where infrastructure and human factors interact to increase hazards.

  • Evaluate promising infrastructure enhancements using driving simulator tests.

  • Develop tailored infrastructure improvement proposals for high-risk rural road sections.


  • Recruiting personal car drivers and motorcycle riders for study

  • Data collection using i-DREAMS system

  • Data analysis

  • Collecting road infrastructure dana

  • Analysis of correlations between behaviour and infrastructure

  • Literature review of common infrastructure measures for eliciting desired driver behaviour

  • Development of new and innovative infrastructure enhancement proposals

  • Evaluation of proposals in a driving simulator

  • Publish research data from Objective 1 at EOSC

Indicative start and end month: M6 – M18

Lead participant name: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences


  • Increase researcher expertise in human factors and the Safe System Approach.

  • Foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between researchers through seminars and workshops.

  • Expand and enhance the Road Safety Summer School curriculum.

  • Develop strategic joint PhD research topics.


  • Training workshops on Vision Zero/Safe System Approach

  • Regular online seminar series, organised by the PhD students of the 3 universities, under the mentorship of senior staff

  • Define collaboration scope and jointly develop specialized modules for the Road Safety Summer School

  • Define the research topics of joint interest

  • Summer school on road safety assessment methodologies (“Train the Trainer”)

  • Organize immersive training program with accreditation examination for safety auditors

Indicative start and end month: M12 – M36

Lead participant name: Hasselt University


  • Define a ‘civic’ mission and KPIs to guide FTTS’s societal impact and commitment.

  • Build researcher skills in grant writing, proposal preparation, and funding strategies.

  • Gain hands-on experience in efficient research project administration and management.

  • Establish an innovation office to translate research into economic and societal value.


  • Transfer of knowledge on principles of the ‘civic university’ concept.

  • Develop and implement a training program on grant writing and funding strategies.

  • Facilitate internship opportunities for FTTS staff within the project offices

  • Establishment of innovation office

  • Organization of a summer school on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

  • Development of English language curriculum

  • Educate researchers on using EOSC

Indicative start and end month: M1 – M36

Lead participant name: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

  • Objectives:

  • Promote the Road Safety Summer School program to increase participation.

  • Develop a technology transfer strategy to translate research into innovation.

  • Create an innovation strategy aligned with FTTS goals and strengths.

  • Increase discoverability of research data through EOSC and open science principles.

  • Attract international students through promotion of the English curriculum.


  • Dissemination and Communication Activities

  • Organize and market Road Safety Summer Schools

  • Develop Technology transfer strategy

  • Setup of knowledge centre

  • Development of innovation rewarding policies

  • Create an innovation strategy

  • Promotion of the English curriculum on international platforms

  • Initiate collaboration of parallel PhD research topics

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